vrijdag 15 maart 2013

An Athenian among Greeks

I saw a trailer of the upcoming Great Gatsby movie the other day, an adaptation of a book I particularly loved. It contained a great shot of New York during the 1920's. When I spent an extraordinary week in the city last year, I noticed how the Jazz age was all over the place (especially on 5th ave.).

No one described the Roaring 20's and the cafĂ© society more elegant than F. Scott Fitzgerald. In the world of the Belles-lettres the author is (to put it in his own words)
"an Athenian among Greeks", no doubters there!

As luck would have it, I had just finished one of his novels before going to NYC: The Beautiful  & Damned

The novel is all about the relationship of Adam Patch and his wife Gloria. The classical themes of Fitzgerald are present: heavy drinking, the East coast jet set, World War I and the lost generation. 

The love story is a tempestuous and melancholical one, resembling the author's relationship with his wife Zelda (picture below). It's witty, elegant, moving and amply deserves a couple of hours of your life. 


Her eyes appeared to regard him out of many thousand years: all emotion she might have felt, all words she might have uttered, would have seemed inadequate beside the adequacy of her silence, ineloquent against the eloquence of her beauty - and of her body, close to him, slender and cool.

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