donderdag 11 oktober 2012

John Adams

Wouldn’t it be swell to have your own portrait taken? And I mean an oversized painting, not a picture to put on facebook.

If you have to be vain, go all the way!

I love portraits, especially those of  historical characters.
Take John Adams for instance:


The man was an American revolutionary, author of the Massachusetts constitution,  he assisted Thomas Jefferson in writing The Declaration of Independence and became Vice-President under George Washington before becoming the second President of the U.S.

If you’re interested in this Founding Father's adventures in Paris, London, Amsterdam and Washington, in his friendship (and animosity) with Thomas Jefferson, his views on Washington and Franklin, I suggest you read David McCullough’s John Adams. It is a wonderfully written account of the man and his age, his vices (he was quite vain and always felt underappreciated), virtues and achievements.
It is quite clear what Adams thought to be his greatest achievement, as he once wrote to his friend:
"I desire no other inscription over my gravestone than: Here lies John Adams, who took upon himself the responsibility of the peace with France in the year 1800."

Check out 89 year-old Adams:

The portrait really captures his bright mind, his self-esteem, his (slightly) haughty personality and his joie de vivre (he never got weary of life).

It’s important to keep a twinkle in your wrinkle!


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